22 Short, including the 1873 lever action, 1885 single shot (in both low wall and high wall variations), Model 1890, 1906 and 62A pump actions, Model 74 semi-auto, and Model 61 pump action. Winchester produced a variety of different rifles in. 22 Short-only rifles made especially for shooting gallery use. Remington's Nylon 66 GS Gallery Special (1962 to 1981) was one of the last. Remington has made their Model 24 and Model 241 "Speedmaster" semi-autos as well as their Model 12 and 121 "Fieldmaster" pump actions in. Remington and Winchester produced the most rifles in. 22 Short were made between 19, mostly intended for gallery shooting and small game hunting. The Marlin Golden 39A model represents the oldest and longest continuously produced shoulder firearm in the world. 22 Short over the years, but only several lever action rifles are currently chambered for this round, notably Henry Repeating Arms and Marlin Firearms Co. There have been many rifles chambered for the. 22 LR dimensions to accept the SSS cartridge.22 Short-caliber rifles 22 Short, the firing chamber of the barrel must be. 22 Long Rifle round, making categorizing the SSS problematic: while the SSS case size is. 22 Long Rifle bullet) giving an overall length of a. 22 Short case with a 60-grain (3.9 g) bullet (twice the weight of the. 22 Short loadings are as quiet as if not quieter than, the average air rifle. When fired from a full-length rifle barrel, most. Most of the target oriented and CB Shorts are very quiet, due to being subsonic. Eley also makes their rapid fire match cartridge at 750 ft/s (230 m/s). Also available is the RWS R25 match ammunition at 560 ft/s (170 m/s). Aguila makes both a match lead round nose at 1,095 ft/s (334 m/s), and a "high speed" round with plated bullet also listed at 1,095 ft/s (334 m/s).

Remington produces a high velocity plated round nose at 1,095 ft/s (334 m/s). Fiocchi makes their Exacta Compensated Super Match SM200 with lead round nose at 650 ft/s (200 m/s). 22 Long (with the exception of CCI's High Velocity 1217fps Long loading), and the. 22 Short high-velocity exceeds the performance of the. Several types are made by CCI: a CB Short at 727 ft/s (222 m/s), target Shorts at 830 ft/s (250 m/s), their standard Short round with plated round nose bullet at 1,080 ft/s (330 m/s), and a high speed hunting load with plated hollow point bullet at 1,105 ft/s (337 m/s). Most makers utilize the standard 29-grain (1.9 g) solid round nose bullet and 27-grain (1.7 g) hollow point bullet weights for the. 22 Short in the marketplace, many ammunition companies still produce. 22 Short is the only legal round to use for such hunting. 22 Short hollow point is still very popular for use on raccoons, which are treed at night using dogs and shooting is at close range. 22 Long Rifle make it a more popular choice. For small game hunting in general, the greater energy and wider ammunition selection of the. Īs a hunting round, the high velocity hollow point Short is useful only for small game such as tree squirrels and rabbits. lbf (95 J) of energy from a 22 in (559 mm) rifle barrel and can penetrate 2 inches (51 mm) of soft pine.22 Short launches a 29-grain (1.9 g) bullet at 1,045 feet per second (319 m/s) with 70 ft Bullets for use at shooting galleries were often made of compressed powdered metal that disintegrated on impact to avoid ricochets and over-penetration of backstops. 22 Short bullets are made of lead (usually coated with grease or wax, or copper) in round nose or hollow point styles. 22 Short cartridge North American Arms model NAA22S mini-revolver, chambered in. 22 Short was used for the Olympic 25 meter rapid fire pistol event until 2004, and they were allowed in the shooting part of modern pentathlon competitions before they switched to air pistols. Due to its low recoil and good inherent accuracy, the. 22 Short was popularly used in shooting galleries at fairs and arcades several rifle makers produced " gallery" models for. 22 Short, though still used in a few pocket pistols and mini-revolvers, is mainly used as a quiet round for practice by the recreational shooter.

22 rimfire was the first American metallic cartridge. Developed in 1857 for the first Smith & Wesson revolver, the.